Department Role

  • Governance of staff and student’s use of technology
  • Management of district technology infrastructure
  • Ensure functionality and availability of technology resources
  • Oversee deployment and operation of District’s 1:1 Chromebook program
  • Provide training and support to staff, students, and parents on district systems.

Educational technology is rapidly changing in new and exciting ways that affect student achievement and learning, staff efficiency, record keeping, assessment, and communications. It is essential that today’s schools adapt to keep up with the changes and to make certain that our students are not left behind when they enter a world filled with emerging technologies.

When people think of “technology,” they often think only of computers, certainly one important aspect of educational technology. But it’s not the only facet. A sound, updated network infrastructure is crucial to keep everything running smoothly. That includes many different areas such as servers, wiring, firewalls, software and filters, phone and voicemail systems, Internet access and inter-building connectivity, centralized accounting, payroll and student information systems. In the classrooms, it includes computers, digital boards and projectors, chromebooks, and tablets. In the ongoing effort to meet Wisconsin & Federal Standards mandated for technology education at the K-12 level, it’s necessary that we meet the demand.

Even our tech-savvy students need training to effectively use the technology tools provided. The district’s major initiative to introduce keyboarding at the elementary level provides the skills students need to be productive computer users. Not that many years ago, the thought of teaching formal keyboarding beginning at the third grade level was unheard of; now it’s become an essential skill our young students need. In fact, in Whitewater Unified School District, students begin becoming familiar with using the computer and keyboard while at the kindergarten level.

Technology has significantly impacted education—from how teachers gather and deliver information to how students obtain and present material for projects and school-related activities. Even students’ learning styles are evolving from where they were in yesterday’s classrooms. WUSD is proud of the numerous ways it has integrated technology into the daily lives of every student and staff member, helping to assure that graduates from Whitewater are prepared for the 21st century.

Department Staff

Andrew Rowland

Andrew Rowland

Director of Technology

Andrew Rowland

Andrew Rowland

Director of Technology

I earned my Bachelors of Science in Information Technology with an emphasis on Business Systems from the University of Phoenix in December of 2012 and my Masters in Information Communication Technologies in 2020 from the University of Wisconsin - Stout.  I started at WUSD in 2008 as a Technology Intern and am now the Director of Technology, overseeing the operation of the Technology Department and acting as a member on the District Leadership Team.

Why Whitewater?

I was born and raised in Whitewater, starting my education at Washington Elementary and graduating from Whitewater High School.  I attended two years at University of Wisconsin - Whitewater before transferring to a fully online program during my undergraduate work. I was glad to have the oppertunity to work at the District out of High School as I am impressed in all that the schools have to offer.  I took all the computer courses offered throughout high school, as well as participating in the Youth Options, attending three different computer science courses at UW-W through my senior year.  In addition to the schools, I love the natural beauty of the area and the vast access to trails and parks that this area has to offer.  In addition to working for the district, I am a volunteer on the Whitewater Fire Department and love to give back to my church and community.

John Houwers

John Houwers

Technology Integrator

John Houwers

John Houwers

Technology Integrator

I taught math at WHS from the fall of 1998 until the spring of 2016, when I moved to the tech team on a full-time basis. While at the high school, I wore a number of different hats at different times. I continue to wear one as the head track and field coach. Other hats I've worn include building coordinator, girls basketball coach at 7th grade, Freshmen and JV levels. I've coached 7th-grade boys basketball and assisted with cross country as well. I was the W-Club advisor for a few years as well.

As technology Integrator, my role is to help teachers leverage technology to help students succeed, whether the technology augments a lesson, significantly modifies it, or completely redefines it. I try to use technology as a way to help engage the students, enhance the lesson, and extend the classroom.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my wife, who is a special education teacher at the high school, and my two daughters who both attend school in WUSD. I enjoy woodworking, travel, and live music. I also enjoy "hunting", although I do not use a gun or bow either. Instead, I am throwing big baits in the water for hours on end hoping to catch the fish of 10,000 casts.

Justin Sdano

Justin Sdano

System Administrator

Justin Sdano

Justin Sdano

System Administrator

I started in the Whitewater Unified School District in July of 2015.  I worked for the Middleton Cross-Plains area School district during the 2014-2015 school year.  I have a Bachelor's degree from UW-Whitewater in Management in Computer Systems with a Minor in Website Development and Administration. While going through college, I worked at the Whitewater Unified School District as a Technology Intern. In my free time, I enjoy competing in powerlifting, playing guitar, hiking, and watching Netflix. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

Sean McKenzie

Sean McKenzie

System Technician

Sean McKenzie

Sean McKenzie

System Technician
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