Welcome to Whitewater Unified School District’s Curriculum and Instruction website. It is our mission to work in partnership with students, staff, parents and community members to strive toward achieving academic excellence in an innovative environment that enables our students to become productive global citizens.

As a district, we are committed to looking through a child’s eyes as a kindergartner ready to learn as well as through the eyes of a senior who is ready to graduate. Our Curriculum and Instruction department takes very seriously our mission to provide support for every student. The role of this department is to guide, coordinate, and plan implementation and evaluation of curriculum programs in the district. We also provide professional development for our staff to support continuous improvement of instructional strategies and learning for our students. The K-12 District-wide Curriculum Planning Council assists with the school improvement efforts through its representation of all curricular areas.

Throughout this site you will find the strategies and tools we use that focus on building strong academic programs to support the development of successful and happy children. We invite you to explore our website and to contact Kelly Seichter, our Director of Instruction, to discuss further the curricular programming of the Whitewater Unified School District.

Together we can do great things for children.

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